Today we had the second meeting of Spandan. The agenda of today's meeting was "Speak your heart". It was a nice experience to learn about 6 different things in a span of 90 minutes. Each person came with his/her heart and spoke about it.
We started with Ravi. Ravi said that he wants to instill Redknee culture in the new people joining RKI. Initially when people used to join at lower levels, it was easy to influence them. However with more than 30 people joining the organization in less than 3 months, it is important that we maintain the cultural fabric and set the right expectations in the new folks joining in. We decided to take it up as a part of Spandan's activities and help champion this cause.
Yogesh talked about how difficult is it for him to do public speaking and so this forum was a good place to open up. He talked about the incident that happened in parliament last evening and we talked about the dirty politics going on in India at present. How these men, who hold the highest positions in indian powerhouse behave with each other and the disrespect that they show to their positions. We all agreed that the debate was about everything but the nuke deal. One interesting learning that Sameena brought to our notice was how Manmohan singh waited for the right time to deliver his speech. We should wait for the right moment to speak.
Avdhut then talked about the traffic problems that he sees everyday on the roads and the frustration that grows in him. He wants to help himself and the public by taking whatever initiavies possible at self and this groups level. We plan to take it up and talk to the policemen at marigold square. We plan to gather additional information on how we can help. We also plan to make another blog which will list down all the traffic problems being observed at different places in pune and record them on the blog. We are hopeful that it would get noticed someday.
Sapna talked about the fitness class that she intends to start for the group. She wanted to know the logistics of how to go about starting it. Hopefully we will see something happening very soon in this direction. I desperately need to get in shape soon (although I realize that round is a shape too :) )
I then had an opportunity to speak about what I want to do. In one of the movies "Shall we dance", I heard this dialogue that every human being craves for getting his existence acknowledged. That was one of the reasons to start this group. Now 18 months in Redknee, I do not see a lot of "new" challenges in managing projects and so I want to get more out of my life. This group would be a good place to vent my energies. I also want to generate a lot of jobs at some point of my career since I have experienced first hand what it is to be without a job. I hope I will be able to do it some day.
Girish spoke in the last. But he raised a very interesting topic that got everyone sparked up. He talked about the documentation that we are doing and the ways it needs improvements. He shared with us how other organizations manage and standardize documentation. The conceptual and procedural documentation that organizations generate is where we should look at moving. We discussed about how different groups (R&D) can help if they get to participate in document evolution process. We intend to call someone from that group to help us know more on documentation evolution. It was amazing to hear different people talk on different topics. I could not capture everything that we discussed but it gave a sense of satisfaction to know so much more about things than what I possible learn new each day. I hope we are able to implement some of these suggestions and see results. The end results can be more motivating than anything else in forming and continuing a group.
Conservation: Today's Need
16 years ago